The Conntrarian
College Conniptions
Drum Roll Please...

Drum Roll Please...

A wild ride on all different topics.

What’s better than a billionaire buying entire companies?

Who else is loving these gas prices?

Is Russia a sinking ship? Or are their ships sinking?

Is there anybody worse than the French?

Lucky undocumented immigrants score a sweet free vacation to D.C???

Is now a bad time to accidentally get pregnant?

On this week’s conniption, Peter Gattuso and Ethan Sweeney cover most of these things and more! Tune in for your favorite hour of the week!

The Conntrarian
College Conniptions
Fireside chats with your two new favorite people! With special guests along the way and a ton of great content to keep you updated, informed, and maybe just a little bit crazy.
Intro music created by the wonderful and talented Juliette Chait
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Appears in episode
Ethan Sweeney
Peter Gattuso