May 3, 2022Liked by Peter Gattuso, Ethan Sweeney

“With Christianity comes absolutely everything that is good, true, beautiful, and human in our culture…”

Personally I can’t fathom anything more beautiful than having complete liberation over your own body, and the ability to form your own conclusions rather than accept dated church ideals instated hundreds of years ago.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Ethan Sweeney

Not everyone is Christian and those values should not be imposed upon others. That is the point of separation of church and state, the first clause in the Bill of Rights. If you are Christian and do not want an abortion, great, don't get one. You do not have the right to take away the option for others that do not follow Christianity. That is totalitarian. Abortion will never be outlawed, only the option for a safe one, and the lives of women who cannot safely carry a child to term will be on your hands. This is disgusting.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Alphonsus

This is deeply important

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This is insane what is wrong with you. Women deserve the right to choose whether or not they want to have a child. Legal abortions not only provides that right, but also guarantees the right to bodily autonomy. Don’t try to use Catholicism to justify your own insanity.

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There is no argument to disagree with because your position doesn't even get that far. Merely circuitous ramblings. And, btw, "highly respected conn alumn" is an awful lot of amour propre for a lad calling others "smug" and self-righteous", no? 😊

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Anyway ...... use this link to donate to an abortion fund near you! https://www.thecut.com/article/donate-abortion-fund-roe-v-wade-how-to-help.html

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the word abortion doesnt appear in any of the 600 translations of the bible. the bible also has nothing to do with the law. you can’t use god to justify legislature

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